The power of model conversions in data warehouse automation

At IT-Logix, we are now working with WhereScape RED and WhereScape 3D for quite some time. There was a lot to learn while working with the tool set. This is the place where we want to share some of our findings with the community.

Data warehouse automation

One of the basic principles in data warehouse automation is the use of design patterns. These design patterns enhance the result because they will create a comprehensible and repeatable result and therefore increase quality of the data warehouse.
That’s where model conversions come into play. They allow us to have a defined rule set how to convert a data model to the desired end result.
WhereScape offers 3D, a modelling tool with an integrated model conversion engine to convert one model towards the next layer. The model conversion engine uses the pebble templating engine to extend the built-in model conversion rules with scripts.

Screenshot: WhereScape 3D logical model
Generated Data Vault model
Screenshot: Data Vault model generated from the model above

This blog series will cover some of the solutions we came up with while using the tool set in our daily life as consultants.

List of blog posts covering WhereScape 3D:

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